
Your body is a gift.
Discover the foods that
help you thrive.


My Approach

My mission is to support you in uncovering your unique root causes through a science-based and food as medicine approach so that you can live vibrantly. Food has the power to transform our health, but it can be challenging to know what works best for your body. My personalized approach looks at your unique story, goals, and health through a whole-person lens. We'll use evidence-based approaches, functional lab testing, and new technologies that allow us to dig deeper and better understand our biochemistry and uniqueness. Let's create a sustainable, actionable path forward towards your optimal wellbeing.

Functional Nutritional Coaching

Nutrition can be confusing, but it doesn't have to be. Together, we will harness the power of food as medicine using advanced functional lab testing and customize a nutrition, supplement, and lifestyle plan that's personalized to you, so you have a clear roadmap to healing. Discover how to nourish your body with all that it needs to thrive.


Hi I'm Madeline

As a Functional Medicine Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and eternal learner with a passion for using a food-as-medicine approach, I'm here to help you uncover the sources of imbalance within your body and restore your energy for optimal health. Food is information and knowledge is power - it's my mission to guide you on your journey to live happy, healthy, and vibrantly.